Many studies have suggested that CBD can provide relief from menopause symptoms that could otherwise wreak havoc in a woman’s life. CBD for menopause mainly works by strengthening endocannabinoids, boosting estrogen production, and activating various body receptors. 

Menopause, which is the process that marks the end of a woman’s fertility, typically occurs between the ages of 40-60. The onset comes with an array of signs and symptoms, including irregular periods, hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, and night sweats, to name a few.

The CBD cannabinoid is widely used for its medicinal properties. But does it work? A lot of scientific research has supported CBD as an ideal option for reducing the severity of menopause symptoms. As a result, this has become one of the top reasons women use cannabis products today.

Let’s explore more about the symptoms, how the CBD cannabinoid works for menopause, how to take it, and what’s the best CBD.


Understanding menopause symptoms

Many women do not notice when menopause starts until the severe symptoms kick in. Menopause occurs in two stages, namely: perimenopause and the final menstrual cycle.


The perimenopause phase starts years before a woman receives her final cycle. While the average age for menopause is 51 years, it could happen anywhere from her early 40s to her early 60s. Most symptoms manifest during this phase.

Final menstrual cycle

The final menstrual cycle is when menses finally stop. This stage is confirmed when a woman has not had any periods for one year. Symptoms tend to stick around years after this phase, and they could trigger serious health conditions if not addressed.


How does CBD for menopause work?

In our bodies, endocannabinoid receptors are responsible for crucial functions such as regulation of sleep, memory, pain, hormonal balance, and inflammation. During menopause, a woman experiences a lot of hormonal imbalance. Menopause also impairs the work of the endocannabinoid system.

When CBD is introduced to the body, it interacts with endocannabinoid receptors and creates an equilibrium and calm while acting as a mild depressant. What’s more, cannabinoid also helps to increase estrogen levels and blood circulation in various parts of the body.

Let’s now take a look at one of the key symptoms of menopause that CBD helps with.


Many women over the age of 60 experience uncomfortable joint pains and aches resulting from the lack of estrogen. It is vital to reduce these inflammations and oxidative stress because they could cause arthritis symptoms, asthma, and diabetes. 

Some research conducted on the ability of CBD to reduce inflammation found that indeed it had anti-inflammatory properties that reduced the severity of these conditions. Experts advise that you combine CBD usage with mild exercise and proper dieting to effectively reduce inflammation.



When is the best time to take CBD for menopause?

Are you wondering when you should begin using CBD? Experts advise you to start using it during the early stages of menopause. Perimenopausal symptoms last for four years on average before they slowly diminish.

When menopause finishes, symptoms could either disappear or persist. For instance, a study showed that hot flashes could go on for over ten years after the perimenopause phase. During this time, you should continue taking CBD products to alleviate the menopause symptoms.


How CBD Supports the Signs and Symptoms of Menopause


CBD oil

CBD oil is produced by extracting the CBD chemical from cannabis and mixing it with an organic carrier oil such as hemp seed oil. Over the years, CBD oil has become quite popular due to its medicinal properties. But does this oil work for the menopause?

Numerous studies conducted on rats and humans show that CBD oil could help relieve pain and reduce anxiety, among other symptoms. Even better, using CBD oil for these purposes doesn’t come with the risk of addiction. However, we recommend consulting with your doctor, who’ll advise you on what potency of CBD you should take for menopause and how to take it in the right doses. And for the best results, go for the highest grade of CBD oil, which you can get from CBD Pure Ratio.


The best CBD for menopause

Every product sold as a stand-alone product is made from a CBD extract or isolate. These can then be used to create different products, including:

  • Capsules
  • Oil concentrates
  • Drinks
  • Edibles
  • Suppositories
  • Oil tinctures
  • Topicals, balms, and rubs
  • Emulsified CBD

While all the products are essentially made from CBD, they work in the body in different ways and speeds.


A better alternative

For years, CBD has provided the basis for many medical solutions. When it comes to helping women with menopause symptoms, CBD has proven to be effective. There is sufficient research that shows a lot of hope for CBD as a natural alternative to conventional treatments for alleviating the symptoms. 

Have you used CBD for menopause? Please share your experience with us.

Rae Hudson

Rae Hudson is a gynecologist and pharmacist who helps women to solve their problems. She has been studying different medication for menstrual cramp relief and tests CBD oil on her patients. She shares her successful experience in her medical blog.

See all posts by Rae Hudson

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